Below you will find the contact details of the Mundikat registrars:

General questions related to the Pedigree Book can be sent to
Questions on our MyCats system can be sent to

Pedigree Secretary

Pauline Kröger
Bredaweg 17
1324 XS Almere
The Netherlands


For the following breeds you can contact Pauline:

All breeds in FIFe category 1

Persian(PER), Exotic(EXO), Ragdoll(RAG), Sacred Birman(SBI) & Turkish Van(TUV).

Pauline is on holiday from the 8th of July till the 5th of August. 

Pedigree Secretary

Liesbet Wagenaar
Offenbachstraat 4
8915 CG Leeuwarden


For the following breeds you can contact Liesbet:

All breeds in FIFe category 2

Maine Coon(MCO), Norwegian Forest Cat(NFO), American Curl(ACS/ACL), Siberian(SIB), Neva Masquerade(NEM), Turkish Angora(TUA) &  La Perm(LPS/LPL).

Pedigree Secretary

Nathalie Smits
Erpstraat 35
6844 AN Arnhem
The Netherlands


For the following breeds you can contact Nathalie:

All breeds in FIFe category 3 & category 4

Abyssinian(ABY), Somali(SOM), British Shorthair(BSH), British Longhair(BLH), Manx(MAN), Cymric(CYM), Chartreux(CHA), Russian Blue(RUS), Singapura(SIN), Bengal(BEN), Burmese(BUR), Burmilla(BML), Korat(KOR), Egyptian Mau(MAU), Sokoke(SOK), Japanese Bobtail(JBT), Kurilian Bobtail(KBL/KBS), Ocicat(OCI), Sphynx(SPH), Don Sphynx(DSP), Devon Rex(DRX), Cornish Rex(CRX), German Rex(GRX), Selkirk Rex(SRL/SRS), Siamese(SIA), Balinese(BAL), Oriental Shorthair(OSH) & Oriental Longhair(OLH).


Digital application for pedigrees and titles

You can apply for your pedigrees and titles digitally at Mundikat through the MyCats member portal. A link to the member portal can be found here.

MyCats member portal


Secretary Pedigree Book
Breeding & Registration Commission
Henny Bok
Hopakker 5
5262 MK Vught

Tel: 073-6564802

Here you can have your cats imported. You send a copy of the pedigree by post or scan of the pedigree by email to the Secretary.

It is desirable to do this well before mating cats.

Payments Breeding Registry

Treasurer Breeding & Registration Commission
Anja Wever
Kerkstraat 13
1738 BG Waarland

Tel: 022-6421345

After receiving the invoice for the pedigree application or title application, please make the payments, indicating the invoice number and your member number. The bank details for the Breeding & Registration Commission are given below:

Payments for registry:
IBAN: NL22 INGB 0002 1454 58
in name of Mundikat Stamboek